Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tips for RPing- whether you're new or seasoned.

Skin- Harley {Opaline} Pink Fuel
Eyes- Mayfly
Eyelashes- Maitreya
Hair- Quiet Afterthought Exile
Fin & Scales- Ianthe The Muses

Location- The Kingdom of Furya
My favorite thing about Second Life is the ability to assume
any character you want to be or play.
Always wanted to be a mermaid when you were younger? Go for it! Always thought 
you belonged in the middle ages? Try it out! 
You can even just be a regular person doing regular, every day things. 
The choice is yours.

But often, people need tips on what to do or how to get started. So that's what I'm dedicating
this week to.

1.Read up on the "sim lore" or story and their rules.
If you don't read up on the lore, you will never know what works for your character.
You wouldn't want to be shooting guns in a medieval sim.
Some sims have certain ways of doing combat and their own rules. 
Read before you go any further.

2. Observe the sim!
Make sure you like how the players RP. Observing can
also give you an idea where to go with your character.

3. Create a character.
Create a character that works with the sim. Don't bring a cyborg 
to a medieval sim. Make sure your character
has flaws as well as strengths. No one is indestructible, neither should your
character be.
Skin- Harley <Vanilla> Pink Fuel
Hands- Casual- SLink

Feet- Mid height- SLink
Shoes- Indra heels- SLink
Eyes- Deep Sky- Mayfly
Lashes- Falsies- Mon Cheri
Hair- Felicity- Truth
Top- Piper Tank Top- Blueberry
Shorts- Cuffed Denim Shorts Mon Tissu
Table & Chair- Garden Table Set- Wishbringer

Location- Private

4. Don't be afraid to IM players or admin.
Whether it's a question about lore or the sim in general, communicate!
This is especially important for sims that are heavily
based in family RP, i.e. Game Of Thrones. Sometimes,
you may even want to IM people to ask if they're there before
starting a scene, especially if they're not already in the middle of a scene.

5. Wait a second before joining any scene.
You walk up on a group of two or more people already RPing. Wait until they've posted
until you "post in". Pick up on any clues as to what's going on.
You wouldn't want to walk up and do something silly, only to find out later
that character was bleeding in the street or there was a fight 
going on. Find out what's up first and respond accordingly.

6. You go to the RP, don't trust it to come to you!
This is a complaint I constantly hear out of seasoned players. They leave a sim because 
"the RP dried up." Chances are that they're staying in one spot waiting
for a scene to find them. Walk around. RP that your character is getting some fresh air.
Chances are pretty good that you'll find something that way.

7. Keep IC and OOC seperate!
What happens to your character is in character (IC) and should never be confused
with what happens to you out of character (ooc). If someone snubs your
character or doesn't like your character, don't assume that they
feel that way about you. Help avoid so much drama!

Skin- Katya <America 02> Glam Affair
Eyes- Deep Sea Mayfly
Hands- Elegant- SLink
Dress- Caelestis Bronze & White-We <3 RP- August cycle
Armor- Lok Armor- Alchemy @ We <3 RP- August cycle
Pose- my own!
Gazebo- Summer Gazebo- Wishbringer @ We <3 RP- September cycle
Location- Isle of Dee (to be reviewed next week!)

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